Clay is a classic in the treatment of movement disorders and in the rehabilitation of the hand after operations, but sometimes playing with it is just fun. Every occupational therapist or physiotherapist knows it. But clay can also be a suitable and playful skill in everyday life, when you are restless or nervous. It takes on any shape, can be pulled into long threads, twisted, pressed and finally rolled back into a shiny ball.
Why our therapy clay? Because not all clay is the same. Almost everyone played with clay as a child and most people can still remember the typical smell, and the fact that it dried out quickly if you didn't close the lid properly. Other silicone-based clays leave a greasy film on your hand. These were some of the things we wanted to improve with our therapy clay - and we did. Our clay doesn't smell, doesn't stick to the skin, doesn't leave a film on the skin and doesn't dry out even after months.
Our premium therapy clay is available individually or as a set of 4 or 6. Take a look around our shop and let the quality convince you!
Our therapy putty contains borax in an amount that, according to the BFR, is harmless, even if you put the putty in your mouth. However, we expressly recommend not putting the putty in your mouth or swallowing it. The putty is also not suitable for children under 3 years of age and should only be used if safety can be ensured in accordance with the application recommendations.
And so that you can easily store the modeling clay and always have it with you, it comes in a practical tin with a screw cap.