Like the hedgehog balls, the hedgehog rings come from traditional Chinese medicine and acupressure. Here, stimulation of various acupressure points is said to have a positive effect. But even without this historical superstructure, the hedgehog rings work and are super practical for everyday use and look good too.
When you are nervous or restless, you simply slide the hedgehog rings back and forth over your finger. This creates a physical stimulus through a number of pressure points, similar to the hedgehog ball, which can have a calming and refocusing effect. The rings are safe to use because of their rounded corners and do not cause injury. However, you should be careful when using them and not wear the rings all the time so as not to cut off the blood supply to the finger.
Our hedgehog rings are made of stainless steel and are available in 9 different, bright colors. Their springy construction makes them suitable for all finger sizes.
Due to their small size, they fit in any trouser pocket or handbag and are therefore always by your side.